Nowadays we receive many of the unknown calls, and we use the software to search the number is True caller. Whenever we get an unknown call we ask from our friends (True Caller Hai) :P. Many of times we get an error of number not found so in today’s trick, I will be showing you how can you delete the number from true caller.
Whenever we don’t get any result in true caller that is the reason that no one has save that number in their phone book, and you don’t find any search results. Many of times in landline number. Your all details are given even sometimes in your phone number. So in this case if you have to delete the number and you don’t want to share your details with strangers? What can you do?
Today, I am going to show you how can you delete your number from true caller from iPhone, Android, & Windows.
How To Delete Your Phone Number In iPhone (iOs).
- Download the True caller application and open it
- Now click on Me section in lower right section
- In the Top right you will find a Gear option
- Click on About True Caller and now scroll down
- You will see an option called as Deactivate Your Account .
How To Delete Our Phone Number In Android
- Open the true caller application and on the top left, click on your profile
- Now click on Settings and now the main screen will be started
- Now, Click on About Screen by scrolling down in the last
- Scroll down and you will see an option called as Deactivate Your Account
How To Delete Our Phone Number In Windows Mobile
- Open the true caller application and click on Top Right 3 Dots Menu
- Click on Settings and scroll Down
- Now, click on Deactivate Your Account
Now You have deactivated your phone number now in the next step you have to remove your phone number from TrueCaller
How to Remove Your Phone Number From True Caller Unlist Page
- First of all head up to this link from here – True Caller Unlist Page
- Open the page and enter your phone number with the proper country code (Eg. +919773986279)
- Select the reason and enter the Captcha code
Now You’re Done and now the true caller will take approx 24 hours to delete your phone number from true caller and this was the guide how can you delete your number from true caller. I hope you liked this guide, Keep visiting and stay tuned for more Tricks, Loots and deals. Thank You For visiting…
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