Monday, June 6, 2016

Thirukkural Chapter 133 - The Pleasures of Temporary Variance

Couplet 1321 
Although there be no fault in him, the sweetness of his love
Hath power in me a fretful jealousy to move
Although my husband is free from defects, the way in which he embraces me is such as to make me feign dislike

Couplet 1322 
My 'anger feigned' gives but a little pain;
And when affection droops, it makes it bloom again
His love will increase though it may (at first seem to) fade through the short-lived distress caused by (my) dislike

Couplet 1323 
Is there a bliss in any world more utterly divine,
Than 'coyness' gives, when hearts as earth and water join
Is there a celestial land that can please like the feigned dislike of those whose union resembles that of earth and water?

Couplet 1324 
'Within the anger feigned' that close love's tie doth bind,
A weapon lurks, which quite breaks down my mind
In prolonged dislike after an embrace there is a weapon that can break my heart

Couplet 1325 
Though free from fault, from loved one's tender arms
To be estranged a while hath its own special charms
Though free from defects, men feel pleased when they cannot embrace the delicate shoulders of those whom they love

Couplet 1326 
'Tis sweeter to digest your food than 'tis to eat;
In love, than union's self is anger feigned more sweet
To digest what has been eaten is more delightful than to eat more; likewise love is more delightful in dislike than intercourse

Couplet 1327 
In lovers' quarrels, 'tis the one that first gives way,
That in re-union's joy is seen to win the day
160 Those are conquerors whose dislike has been defeated and that is proved by the love (which

Couplet 1328 
And shall we ever more the sweetness know of that embrace
With dewy brow; to which 'feigned anger' lent its piquant grace
Will I enjoy once more through her dislike, the pleasure of that love that makes her forehead perspire?

Couplet 1329 
Let her, whose jewels brightly shine, aversion feign
That I may still plead on, O night, prolong thy reign
May the bright-jewelled one feign dislike, and may the night be prolonged for me to implore her!

Couplet 1330 
A 'feigned aversion' coy to pleasure gives a zest;
The pleasure's crowned when breast is clasped to breast
Dislike adds delight to love; and a hearty embrace (thereafter) will add delight to dislike

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