Couplet 181
Though virtuous words his lips speak not, and all his deeds are ill
If neighbour he defame not, there's good within him still
Though one do not even speak of virtue and live in sin, it will be well if it be said of him "he does not backbite."
Couplet 182
Than he who virtue scorns, and evil deeds performs, more vile,
Is he that slanders friend, then meets him with false smile
To smile deceitfully (in another's presence) after having reviled him to his destruction (behind his back) is a greater evil than the commission of (every other) sin and the destruction of (every) virtue
Couplet 183
'Tis greater gain of virtuous good for man to die,
Than live to slander absent friend, and falsely praise when nigh
Death rather than life will confer upon the deceitful backbiter the profit which (the treatises on) virtue point out
Couplet 184
In presence though unkindly words you speak, say not
In absence words whose ill result exceeds your thought
Though you speak without kindness before another's face speak not in his absence words which regard not the evil subsequently resulting from it
Couplet 185
The slanderous meanness that an absent friend defames,
'This man in words owns virtue, not in heart,' proclaims
The emptiness of that man's mind who (merely) praises virtue will be seen from the meanness of reviling another behind his back
Couplet 186
Who on his neighbours' sins delights to dwell,
The story of his sins, culled out with care, the world will tell
The character of the faults of that man who publishes abroad the faults of others will be sought out and published
Couplet 187
With friendly art who know not pleasant words to say,
Speak words that sever hearts, and drive choice friends away
Those who know not to live in friendship with amusing conversation will by back-biting estrange even their relatives
Couplet 188
Whose nature bids them faults of closest friends proclaim
What mercy will they show to other men's good name
What will those not do to strangers whose nature leads them to publish abroad the faults of their intimate friends ?
Couplet 189
'Tis charity, I ween, that makes the earth sustain their load
Who, neighbours' absence watching, tales or slander tell abroad
The world through charity supports the weight of those who reproach others observing their absence
Couplet 190
If each his own, as neighbours' faults would scan,
Could any evil hap to living man
If they observed their own faults as they observe the faults of others, would any evil happen to men ?
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