Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Height of misunderstanding!

At Niagara falls..!
Guide: I welcome you all to Niagara Falls..
These are the world's largest waterfalls and the sound intensity of the waterfall is so high, 
Even 20 supersonic planes passing by can't be heard. 
Now I request the Indian ladies to keep quiet,
So that we can hear the Niagara Falls..!
Height of misunderstanding:
Boss thinks to marry his secretary,
So that she will listen to him
Every Husband is a Farmer by default,
His survival solely depends on ‘agree’culture…
And ‘agree’culture increases GDP (Gross Domestic Peace)
Art of living:
Husband comes from the “ART OF LIVING” session.
He greets his wife and carries around the house with a smile.
Wife is so surprised and asked “did Guruji preach something about being romantic?”
Husband said “NO”! Guruji told us that “We must carry our burdens and sorrows with a SMILE”

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