Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lara Croft: Relic Run Cheat

Unlimited Coins, Unlimited Diamonds, All Outfits Unlocked, All Weapons Unlocked.                                                                                                                                                            Lara Croft: Relic Run Cheats
Lara Croft: Relic Run Cheats


 • Unlimited Coins
 • Unlimited Diamonds
 • Unlimited Gear
 • All Weapons Unlocked and Fully Upgraded
 • All Outfits Unlocked and Fully Upgraded

 • Lara Croft: Relic Run v1.9.94 game save file
 • Will work to newer version
 • You can update the game after applied this cheat
 • Must be extracted using ES Explorer

  • Android 4.4.4
  • Android 4.4.2
  • Android 4.2.1
  • May work on Lollipop

  • This will remove your current progress!
  • Backup your game data!
Go to /Android/data/ find com.squareenix.relicrun folder - copy to your backup location
  • Not sure..., try on Bluestacks

  • Force stop game and clear data
  • Download game save file | big button between the ads
  • Extract to  /Android/data/ 
  • Run your game and enjoy!

  • How to to root your phones
  • How to force stop game and clear data
  • How to extract game save to /Android/data/
  • Must-Have phone accessories  ads
  • How to get access to /data/data/
  • How to backup game data
  • How to check root on your device

Thursday, May 28, 2015

City Island 2 Cheats

Unlimited Cash, Unlimited Gold, All Lands Purchased.                                                                                                                                                             City Island 2 Cheats
City Island 2 Cheatsclick on the image to see more screenshot


 • City Island 2 game save file
 • Unlimited Cash
 • Unlimited Gold
 • All Lands Purchased
 • You can update the game after applied this cheat
 • Also work for unrooted devices
 • Must be extracted using ES Explorer

  • Jiayu G5 phone and several devices.
  • City Island 2 version 2.2.8
  • Android 4.2.1 | 4.4.2

  • This may override your current progress!
  • Backup your game data!

  • Force stop game and clear data
  • Download game save file | at the bottom of this page
  • Extract using ES Explorer to /sdcard/Android/data/
  • Run your game and enjoy

  • How to download game save file
  • How to force stop and clear game data
  • How to extract game save to /sdcard/Android/data/
  • How to backup game data
  • How to check root on your device
  • How to find bestselling product  ads

Monday, May 25, 2015

English Hymns (EN)

Almost together with the release of version 4.1, we also introduce English Hymns to the list of books that can be downloaded from the Songs section of the app.

Now, especially for Quick Bible users, you will find the Songs section more useful than before. Not only we have Indonesian song books, but now some other books like Polish, Pohnpenian, etc. Soon you will be able to create your own song books and submit them for publishing.

This song book is quite special — it contains more than 6000 songs in one download! Moreover, almost all of them has a MIDI file attached, so you can hear the tune.

The English Hymns is compiled and collected by Cyber Hymnal, with its current website at

All songs also have an associated verse that indicates the verse upon which the song is based. You can click on the verse link to see the contents.

Before we end this post, we would also like to introduce the web version of the songs: This contains the latest updates to the songs. As usual, please click the Kirim perbaikan (Send correction — oops we forgot to translate this) link at the end of each song if you find any mistakes!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

4.1 New Features (4-last) - Integration with Dictionary, PEDIA, Commentaries

Saudara(i) di dalam Kristus,

Seri postingan kali ini (terakhir) akan menjelaskan tentang fitur-fitur baru yang ada di versi terbaru Alkitab/Quick Bible (versi 4.1).

Kini, aplikasi Alkitab telah terintegrasi sempurna dengan Kamus, PEDIA (panduan isi Alkitab), dan Tafsiran Alkitab yang dipublish oleh SABDA. Sementara fitur ini hanya khusus tersedia untuk aplikasi Alkitab.
Ayat yang dibuka di aplikasi Alkitab akan ada link tombol yang jika ditap maka akan langsung membuka aplikasi yang sesuai. Silakan unduh aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut:
- Kamus Alkitab versi 1.2.0
- Tafsiran Alkitab versi 1.1.0
- AlkiPEDIA versi 1.1.0

Pilih salah satu ayat kemudian tekan menu yang ada di bagian atas untuk mengakses kamus/tafsiran/PEDIA.

Khusus untuk Kamus Alkitab, ketika ditap, maka kata-kata yang memiliki penjelasan di Kamus akan diberi garis bawah. Kemudian, anda bisa tap kata-kata tersebut dan membuka pop-up dialog berisi penjelasan tentang kata tersebut. Jika anda memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut, anda bisa langsung membuka aplikasi Kamus.

"kesaksian", "Laodikia", dan "Hierapolis" digarisbawah
tampilan dialog kamus di Alkitab
Anda juga bisa membuka halaman pengaturan > penggunaan > nyalakan opsi "otomatis cek kamus" untuk secara langsung menggarisbawahi kata-kata yang ada di Kamus ketika kita memilih salah satu ayat di aplikasi Alkitab (tidak perlu menekan tombol Kamus terlebih dahulu). 

Kiranya fitur ini berguna bagi kita semakin mengerti dan mengenal Tuhan. 

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

This entry-series will explain about the recent changes in recent updated version of Alkitab/Quick Bible app (version 4.1).

We have plenty resources of Bible dictionary, commentaries, guide provided by SABDA ministry, but unfortunately most of the content are in Indonesian language. We do have some English commentaries, such as Matthew Henry Commentary, but for now this feature is only available in Alkitab. We will try add this feature in Quick Bible too for future updates.   

4.1 New Features (3) - Songbook for Quick Bible / Enhancement for Alkitab

Saudara(i) di dalam Kristus,

Seri postingan kali ini akan menjelaskan tentang fitur-fitur baru yang ada di versi terbaru Alkitab/Quick Bible (versi 4.1).

Kami telah memperbarui tampilan Kidung. Seperti halnya dengan Rencana baca, Halaman "unduh" atau "buku lagu lainnya" juga menjadi tampilan "web-view" dengan struktur yang lebih rapi menggunakan 3 tabs (utama, suku, lainnya) untuk mengantisipasi jenis kidung yang akan semakin bertambah. "Utama" berisi kidung standar yang sudah ada. "Suku" berisi semua kidung dalam berbagai bahasa suku. "Lainnya" adalah untuk kidung yang ditambahkan oleh anda ataupun kami.

Dengan perubahan ini, pula muncul beberapa kidung baru:
- KLIK dan NNBT (© GMIM)
- JB (Nyanyian untuk anak-anak (Sekolah Minggu), © KIN 2014 STEMI)
- EN (Kidung berbahasa Inggris, © CyberHymnal)

Khusus untuk yang terakhir, buku kidung ini mengandung lebih dari 6000 lagu (Ukuran unduh ±2 MB). Pastikan Anda menggunakan Alkitab versi 4.1.1 untuk mencegah crash dan keanehan lainnya.

Kiranya fitur ini boleh bermanfaat bagi kita.

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

This entry-series will explain about the recent changes in recent updated version of Alkitab/Quick Bible app (version 4.1).

Now Quick bible has Songbook! Similar to Reading plan, the layout for "add more songbooks" or "download songbook" page becomes web-view, with more organised structure consist of 3 section tabs (utama, suku, lainnya) to accommodate more and more songbooks. "Utama" (featured) is the current standard songbook. "Suku" (tribes) contains all songbooks in tribe languages. "lainnya" (others) is for other songbooks that is added by users or us.

With this changes, comes new songbooks:
- EN (English Songbook, © CyberHymnal) with more than 6000 songs with instrumental playback
- KLIK and NNBT (© GMIM)
- JB (Songbook for children (Sunday School), © KIN 2014 STEMI)

May this feature be useful to us.

4.1 New Features (2) - Reading Plan Enhancement

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

This entry-series will explain about the recent changes in recent updated version of Alkitab/Quick Bible app (version 4.1).

We have modified reading plan's "add" page. The most interesting feature is that you can add your own reading plan! 
You can go to this page to upload your reading plan.

What you need to do is to create the reading plan source format (.rpa) file. We have documented the detailed explanation here. Please read it carefully and if you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us. 

The layout also becomes web-view, with more organised structure consist of 3 section tabs (featured, newest, by ID) to accommodate more and more reading plans. "Featured" is the standard reading plans offered by us. "Newest" is the newest reading plans provided by us or you. "By ID" is where you can search reading plans by ID. Each reading plan has ID, stated beside its listed name with bracket. Also, after you have download it, the ID is written inside the left drawer in reading plan page (in the reading plan's description). 

Please enjoy this feature, may it be useful to us!

Saudara(i) di dalam Kristus,

Seri Postingan kali ini akan menjelaskan tentang fitur-fitur baru yang ada di versi terbaru Alkitab/Quick Bible (versi 4.1).

Kami telah memperbarui halaman "unduh" atau "tambah" rencana baca. Fitur paling menariknya adalah kamu sekarang bisa menambahkan rencana bacamu sendiri! Silakan buka halaman ini untuk unggah rencana baca kamu. 

Yang anda perlu lakukan adalah membuat source file untuk rencana baca (.rpa). Kami telah menjelaskannya secara rinci di halaman ini. Silakan baca dengan seksama, jika anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami. 

Halaman ini juga menjadi tampilan "web-view" dengan struktur yang lebih rapi menggunakan 3 tabs (featured, newest, by ID) untuk mengantisipasi jenis rencana baca yang akan semakin bertambah. "Featured" berisi rencana baca standar yang kami tawarkan. "Newest" adalah rencana baca terbaru yang berasal dari kami atau dari anda. "by ID" adalah halaman di mana anda bisa mencari rencana baca melalui IDnya masing-masing. Setiap rencana baca memiliki ID, yang ditulis di samping setiap nama rencana baca.

Silakan menikmati fitur ini, kira boleh berguna bagi kita semua!

Punch Boxing 3D Cheats

Unlimited Money and Coins, All Special Items and Rings Purchased, All Championship Unlocked.                                                                                                                                                             Punch Boxing 3D Cheats
Punch Boxing 3D Cheatsclick on the image to see more screenshot


 • Punch Boxing 3D game save file
 • Unlimited Money and Coins
 • All Championship Unlocked
 • All Special Items and Rings Purchased
 • You can update the game after applied this cheat
 • Also work for unrooted devices
 • Must be extracted using ES Explorer

  • Jiayu G5 phone and several devices.
  • Punch Boxing 3D version 1.0.8
  • Android 4.2.1 | 4.4.2

  • This may override your current progress!
  • Backup your game data!

  • Force stop game [Do Not clear data]
  • Download game save file | at the bottom of this page
  • Extract using ES Explorer to /sdcard/Android/data/
  • Overwrite existing files
  • Run your game and enjoy

   How to force stop and clear game data
  • How to extract game save to /sdcard/Android/data/
  • How to backup game data
  • How to check root on your device
  • How to find bestselling product  ads

Friday, May 22, 2015

4.1 New Features (1) - Copy and share verse with version name

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

This entry-series will explain about the recent changes in recent updated version of Alkitab/Quick Bible app (version 4.1).

First, we have modified copy and share function so that you can include the Bible version to it. This has been suggested by some users and we think this is make sense to add.

By default, it will be a usual copy and share. But this will include Bible version when you copy or share the verse. Also, you can go to Setting > Copy and share, then you can customise the setting to include verse number or Bible version.

We thank you for all good suggestions and take it into serious consideration. After all, this app will not be as it is now if it's not because all of your participation. May this app continue to be blessing for us and above all, may God's name be glorified.

Saudara/i di dalam Kristus,

Seri Postingan kali ini akan menjelaskan tentang fitur-fitur baru yang ada di versi terbaru Alkitab/Quick Bible (versi 4.1).

Pertama, kami telah memodifikasi fungsi Salin dan Bagikan supaya bisa menampilkan versi Alkitab yang dipakai. Ini sudah disarankan oleh beberapa pengguna, dan kami pikir saran ini baik untuk ditambahkan.

Secara standart, ini akan seperti fungsi Salin dan bagikan biasa. Namun fungsi ini akan otomatis menambahkan versi Alkitab yang dipakai ketika anda menyalin atau membagikan ayat tersebut. Anda juga bisa membuka Pengaturan > Salin dan bagikan, kemudian mengatur opsi untuk menampilkan nomor ayat atau versi Alkitab yang dipakai.

Kami berterima kasih untuk segala masukan dan sungguh mempertimbangkannya baik-baik. Bagaimanapun, aplikasi ini tidak akan menjadi seperti sekarang jika bukan karena partisipasi dari berbagai macam pihak. Kiranya aplikasi ini boleh terus menjadi berkat untuk kita semua dan terlebih dari itu, kiranya nama Tuhan boleh dipermuliakan.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Daddy Was A Thief Cheats

Unlimited Coins.                                                                                                                                                             Daddy Was A Thief Cheats
Daddy Was A Thief Cheatsclick on the image to see more screenshot


 • Daddy Was A Thief game save file
 • Unlimited Coins
 • You can update the game after applied this cheat
 • Only work for rooted devices
 • Must be extracted using ES Explorer

  • Jiayu G5 phone and several devices.
  • Daddy Was A Thief version 2.1.2
  • Android 4.2.1 | 4.4.2

  • This will remove your current progress!
  • Backup your game data!

  • Force stop game and clear data
  • Download game save file | at the bottom of this page
  • Extract to /data/data/ 
  • Run your game and enjoy

  • How to force stop game and clear data
  • How to extract game save to /data/data/
  • How to get access to /data/data/
  • How to backup game data
  • How to check root on your device
  • How to find bestselling product  ads